
Sep 2024

The EXTRA-EYE project has officially started!

Aug 2024

Serving as an Area Chair for WACV 2024

Aug 2024

Aug 2023: Survey paper An Outlook into the Future of Egocentric Vision open for comments on OpenReview until 15 Sep.

Jul 2024

Three papers accepted at ECCV 2024!

  • Lorenzo Mur-Labadia, Ruben Martinez-Cantin, Josechu Guerrero, Giovanni Maria Farinella, Antonino Furnari. AFF-ttention! Affordances and Attention models for Short-Term Object Interaction Anticipation. [Paper]
  • Camillo Quattrocchi, Antonino Furnari, Daniele Di Mauro, Mario Valerio Giuffrida, Giovanni Maria Farinella. Synchronization is All You Need: Exocentric-to-Egocentric Transfer for Temporal Action Segmentation with Unlabeled Synchronized Video Pairs. [Paper]
  • Rosario Leonardi, Antonino Furnari, Francesco Ragusa, Giovanni Maria Farinella. Are Synthetic Data Useful for Egocentric Hand-Object Interaction Detection? [Paper]

Jun 2024

We are among winners of two challenges at the EgoVis workshop:

Jun 2024

Organizing the First Joint Workshop on Egocentric Vision (EgoVis) in conjunction with CVPR 2024

Jun 2024

Serving as an Area Chair for WACV 2025

May 2024

Serving as an Area Chair for NeurIPS 2024 - Benchmarks and Datasets Track

Apr 2024

Giving a seminar at the University of Zaragoza Research Seminars course

Mar 2024

Three papers accepted at CVPR 2024! (1 oral + 2 posters):

  • Alessandro Flaborea, Guido Maria D'Amely di Melendugno, Leonardo Plini, Luca Scofano, Edoardo De Matteis, Antonino Furnari, Giovanni Maria Farinella, Fabio Galasso. PREGO: online mistake detection in PRocedural EGOcentric videos[Paper]
  • Ivan Rodin, Antonino Furnari, Kyle Min, Subarna Tripathi, Giovanni Maria Farinella. Action Scene Graphs for Long-Form Understanding of Egocentric Videos. [Paper]
  • Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- and Third-Person Perspectives. With other 100 authors! Oral < 1% accept rate. [Paper]
Mar 2024

I’ll serve as Program Chair of the VISAPP 2025 Conference

Nov 2023

The TEAM project has officially started!

Sep 2023

Giving a tutorial on Egocentric Vision at ICIAP 2023

Jul 2023

PNRR PRIN Project “TEAM” has been accepted and will be funded by the Italian ministry of University and Research

Jul 2023

Serving as Academic Assessment at ICVSS 2023

Jun 2023

PRIN Project “EXTRA-EYE” has been accepted and will be funded by the Italian ministry of University and Research

Jun 2023

Paper “Streaming egocentric action anticipation: an evaluation scheme and approach” accepted for publication in the Computer Vision and Image Understanding Journal

Jun 2023

Paper “MECCANO: A multimodal egocentric dataset for humans behavior understanding in the industrial-like domain accepted for publication in the Computer Vision and Image Understanding Journal

Mar 2023

I’ll serve as Program Chair of the VISAPP 2024 Conference

Mar 2023

I’ll give a tutorial at the Italian Summer School VISMAC 2023

Jan 2023

I am an ELLIS member

Nov 2022

I’ll serve as an Area Chair for ICCV 2023

Mar 2022

The EGO4D paper is accepted for presentation at CVPR 2023

Feb 2022

The EGO4D dataset is publicly available!